Out of Pocket Medication Caps
Client -  Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Art Direction and Animation -  Cory Sutter
Creative Agency - Social Driver
High, upfront out-of-pocket medication costs are causing cancer patients to choose between basic necessities and life saving medication. Working with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, we developed a first person narrative following one man with cancer. This approach was meant to put a voice and a face to their medication cost crisis and encourage policy makers to advance legislation to smooth out upfront costs.
Character Design
The medical industry is often seen as cold. It was important for us to show a softer side through a first person narrative. Multiple Myeloma, a form of blood cancer, disproportionately affects older black men so we created a character and chose a voice actor who represented that demographic.  
Henry, the main character, was built with several complex facial rigs so we could easily convey a variety of emotions given the scene and situation.
To further round out Henry’s story, I developed a series of characters for him to interact with while he dealt with the cost of cancer medication. This includes his wife, a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, and a couple politicians.